Friday, June 24, 2011

Catch up!

Catching you up since I've last been here:
I started and completed the so-called "hell" week and am still in my full course load for Summer I.
I have been volunteering at the hospital every weekend and am getting lots of hours and experience.
I am pulling two A's and already have my other A from the minimester.

Life is looking pretty good right now, to be honest.

I made really great friends in my new classes.
I feel so much more confident in my classes and I am motivated beyond belief. Even though it's a lot of work and obviously I have almost no free time (I hadn't been on here since the 5th of this month! Yikes!) I am still fully in the pursuit of my dreams.

And that's an amazing thing, right?

I really feel like ever since I've turned 20 that things have been going so well. It's not that I'm leaving things to take care of themselves, hoping that it'll fall into place by itself; no, I am constantly working for what I want in all areas of my life and I'm acting my age.

I love it.

I always knew I was going to love being "grown up" and although I've only been 20 for a month and three days and I've only seen and experienced so much, I'm fully confident in the fact that I have the skills to handle whatever I might come up against and if I don't, then I will learn.

I'm a far different person than before but I know I'm still me.

Forever your curious and growing girl,

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