Monday, May 30, 2011

Day of Remembrance.

Happy Memorial's Day everyone. May those who serve our country, in every way, shape, and form be reminded today of how much you mean to all those who you protect.
Thank you.
May you know everyday that we appreciate what you do for us.

And that's all I can say about Memorial's Day. For an extremely private citizen like myself, that was already a bit too much.

As always, anything that happened last night is indeed a faint and far away memory for the boyfriend. The sun rose and instead of sticking to my head and choosing to not come back, I of course chose to stay. Is it a curse or a blessing that I am the firmest believer in the idea that people can and will always be inherently good?

I've also come to the conclusion that I will begin work on my novel today. Yes, after much self doubt and years of procrastination, I will start and finish the novel.
Are you all as proud of me as I am of myself? I hope so.

I'm also going to start copying down all my journal entries of worth and save them for a writing portfolio. Start preliminary research into getting published, but none of the self publishing stuff.

Wish me the best. I'm back to writing and I don't ever plan on stopping.
Tour de force in training.

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